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PLDA Weekly Update: Sept 14, 2019

Lots of news again this week, so let's jump right into the update.

1) PLDA Town Hall set for October 9.  Our next Town Hall will be held Oct 9, 2019 at 6:30 pm. at the New Braunfels Convention Center, located at 375 S Castell Ave, New Braunfels, TX 78130. 

We plan to use the forum to update the community on the considerable progress toward fixing the dam since the first Town Hall back in early June, and to try to address questions that the audience may have. This meeting is again open to the public, and we are especially encouraging all lakefront property owners on Dunlap to make plans to attend. 

2) City of New Braunfels Resolution.  At the last meeting of the New Braunfels City Council on September 9, 2019, the Council took up consideration of a resolution requesting financial assistance from the State of Texas by and through the Governor and the legislature to the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority for the costs of repair, reconstruction, and maintenance of critical infrastructure located at Lake Dunlap, Lake McQueeney, Lake Placid, Meadow Lake, Lake Gonzales, and Lake Wood.

The resolution passed unanimously and the PLDA really appreciates their support.  You can download the full text of the resolution here.

3) Upcoming City Council Action September 23.  We now look forward to the City passing a formal endorsement of our WCID application, scheduled for September 23, 2019 at 6:00 pm at City Hall.  We hope you can join us there to show your support for our application to the city!!

4) Lake Dunlap dam pump relocation. The canal near the dam began filling up yesterday, and we are advised by GBRA that the pump relocation project at the dam is all but complete. The noise from the diesel pumps should go away very soon as the water operations convert to electric pumps.

5) WCID Application.  We have now completed and turned in all the needed materials (the notarized petitions, certified maps of the district, and much more) to our Water Attorney, Tony Corbett.  Mr. Corbett will now complete and submit our application for a WCID to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). All that is left before formal submission are some required filings and public notices, and we will have this huge mountain of effort behind us. 

This is a big milestone for us, and it is hard to believe we started this effort literally just two months ago on July 13 with almost no knowledge of water districts or dams or so many other necessary things.  We learned so much along the way, and have come so far so quickly.  A great deal of thanks goes to the many people who led and contributed to this effort.  It simply would not have been possible with out this incredible grassroots-based team of dedicated neighbors.

We will keep you posted on how the TCEQ review in Austin goes, but we are very hopeful! Work now moves on to the critical questions of financing, which will determine how much we will need to ask of ourselves, and preparing for the election in May 2020. We'll have these questions fully settled and ready to share publicly by the third Town Hall, now planned for March 2020.

As always, for the latest and most accurate news about Lake Dunlap, continue to look to the PLDA.  We remain  steadfastly committed to moving forward on all this in the spirit of collaboration, community, and full transparency.

J Harmon President PLDA

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